ex-Soviet and modern Russian music

Monday, March 07, 2005

Zhanna Aguzarova

In 16 years old Zhanna moved to Moscow wishing to enter an institution with hospice for students. So she entered technical school by painter profession. At once she found herself in artistic circle presenting herself s diplomat's daughter or medicine student. And immediately she got to very popular in Soviet Union of 80th BRAVO band.
Pavel Kuzin /drummer/ said he was shocked: Zhanna's voice was so strong and original. There were not in BRAVO ordinary musicians but musical dandys (maybe freaks). As for Aguzarova she is and always was a freak of music and clothes style. If God wouldn't gift her voice she'd become avangard designer.
At one of concerts BRAVO were arrested: "What papers did you mean?" - policemen asked have in mind the line "They spit on different papers".
The reasons of her immigracy to USA are not known. But she returned to Russia in 1996 and lives there in status of marsian girl, ex-star of soviet showbiz.

Vernis ko mne v chem delo.mp3
Sneg idet.mp3
Ty tol'ko ty.mp3
Bud' so mnoy.mp3
Leningradskiy rock'n'roll.mp3
Chudesnaya strana.mp3

1 comment:

Крокодил Гена said...

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