Real name is something like "Vernikova" (as says Miroslav Nemirov in his article). She was born in 1919 and left Motherland with parend while social war. In 15 y.o. she met Aristid Maillol, French Catalan sculptor and painter. Maillol was 73. Dina became his young nimphet muse. She was acquainted with Matisse and Picasso.
After Maillol's death she turned his alone heiress - he bequeathed her all his collections, gallery and so on.
Dina Verni's songs appeared in 70th in USSR. Of course it was illegal.
Nobody knows why Dina decided to sing thieves' slang songs - songs of Goulag she had never been in. Many russian fans think she sang her own experience but it's mistake.
Dina appeared in Moscow only in 1959. Stalin was dead but USSR was still a very strong communistic country. Many creative people came back from Goulag camps. Yuz Aleshkovskiy wrote song "Okurochek" ("cigarette butt")... There were Alexander Galich and Bulath Ocudzhava...
Moscow impressed Dina Verni very much. But her imressions were negative. She got used to chic french salons. No liberty, no official art - she decided not to come back in USSR.
But sh decided to create new collection - collection of russian chanson songs. Afraid of KGB she had to learn all the songs by heart. And she did it: 24 songs were got abroad.
When we met
Don't wait for me mama
The new suit
Hi, may be you can help me to reach full album ? Or known place to buy it ...
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difficile de comprendre la reference pour les non russophone ! Y-a t'il une traduction. Merci de toute façon pour les 3 airs que l'on peut entendre et apprécier
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